Therapeutic Life Story Work & Interventions
Therapeutic Life Story Work & Interventions
Therapeutic Life Story Work is an intervention technique which allows the child to gain ownership of their life story which can often be fragmented or confusing. The intervention is a child-centred approach which explores a child's life story, utilising a therapeutic approach whilst also being true to the child.
In practise this involves the therapeutic worker amalgamating information from interviews, official records and completing approximately 18 sessions with the child and primary carer to ultimately answer any gaps in the child’s knowledge, giving the child ownership of their own story and creating a scroll and life story book.
Therapeutic Life Story Work affects the child’s internal working model, attachments, behaviours and sense of belonging.
Our services include Therapeutic Interventions and Life Story Work utilising DDP practises, the arts and play as per taught in IATE. We also offer therapeutic stories which are tailored to the child's age and emotional readiness for a full therapeutic intervention.
We work throughout South Wales, and can work further afield into South England, Midlands, and Mid Wales. We also have the possibility of working online if appropriate for the child and parent via video link.
Please get in touch if you require any further information on our services, or if you wish to enquire after our availability and costs.
Jason Leigh is a qualified Therapeutic Life Story Worker, via University of East London and IATE under Richard Rose. Jason is also DDP informed having completed Levels 1&2 and has been taught by Dan Hughes who is the founder of the PACE movement. Jason has been working in the care setting with both children and adults for over 15 years, both directly and indirectly with local government and independent agencies. Jason himself has been a foster parent since 2015.
British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect (BASPCAN)
Therapeutic Life Story Work International (TLSWi)
National Counselling Society (NCS)
Jason D. Leigh is Director and Consultant at JDL interventions, specialising in therapeutic life story work (TLSW) intervention which allows the child ownership of their own story through exploration of issues such as attachment, loss, violent/abusive backgrounds etc. Jason can also provide tailored training packages around some of these issues to care facilitators and care givers. Jason is DDP informed/trained. Jason is GDPR registered and insured.
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